Iris Cake Smash!

Iris got to have her first birthday cake at her party and it was so much fun watching her figure it all out, although not at all how I expected it to go! I thought she'd go crazy and have cake all over in no time, but she was so careful and wanted to share with everyone before digging in.

I used this smash cake recipe and for the frosting I did cocoa powder with some coconut oil and a tiny bit of honey. And then I sprinkled with multicolored sprinkles, because you only turn one once! I was a bit sad it was wet from the rain outside and we couldn't do the smash/pictures outside, but we were able to do a few with ice cream the next day on her actual birthday. I posted those here.

Did your kiddos have a smash cake at their party or for their one year photos? If so, did they go crazy with frosting everywhere or were they careful? Tell me all about it in the comments...