Related post: Tips flying with babies and toddlers
I have so many pictures from this past summer that I never shared and I wanted to post a few of my top favorites. We’re so excited about fall, our favorite season in this house, so this is my way of saying so long summer! Iris has grown so much in the past few months and we had a lot of fun adventures, but we’re looking forward to cooler temperatures and all of our fall activities too.
I think my favorite summer adventure was taking Iris to the lake for the very first time! I grew up going to lakes in the summer and boating/jet skiing. I remember spending the boat rides daydreaming about someday bringing my husband and children to the lake with me. I felt the same way riding a boat with Dave for the first time as I did with Iris this summer, so much peace and happiness in my heart knowing my dreams have come true. I will never forget the days I prayed for what I have now!
Iris loved jumping off the lily pad and yelling “Bedy Fop!” (belly flop), driving the golf cart, and riding the boat. We also got to go to one of my cousins weddings that trip and Iris had a blast dancing with all the other kiddos.

I did a few pictures at 23 months to commemorate her last month of being one years old (cue the tears) and was so excited I captured so many of her faces. She usually gets so conscious of the camera and wants to see the pictures that I don’t get her true personality, but these really sum it up!
Sweet, wild, silly, entertainer, sensitive, I could go on…

The last one is blurry, but it is so Iris. She was chanting “Hakuna, Matata, Hakuna, Matata”, she’s always singingin/dancing/acting out Disney movies…mostly this one and Moana. If we never hear “Who We Are” from Moana again…although I think I’ll miss it if she' stops singing it.
This last set of photos are miscellaneous favorites from the summer…

I know this was photo overload, so if you made it this far you win. I don’t know what you win, but you’ve won it! Did you have any summer highlights? Please share in the comments, maybe you guys did something fun we should try next summer!