So, now that I've shared our big news about baby on the way, I can also tell you another little secret. I've been eating meat again. Yep, after 5 years of being a pescatarian and not having a bite of meat other than fish, I'm a full-fledged carnivore again. I know, it's weird for me too.
After trying for a long time to get pregnant, I saw a midwife to do some tests and talk about things I could try. One of the things she suggested was that I incorporate some meat back into my diet. I always knew once I was pregnant, if I craved meat I'd let myself have it, because I know your body knows what's best for it wasn't totally out of the question and I started to try it now and then.
Most meat just reminds me why I didn't miss it at all in my five years as a pescatarian (and honestly I haven't wanted it much at all since I've been pregnant), but I have to admit, there are some places that made me happy not to be skipping out anymore. It's All Good Bar-B-Q was one of them...

Dave drove us out here on his motorcycle (before I was pregnant) and we had some bacon wrapped jalapeños (to die for), macaroni (lick-the-bowl good), and beans along with our meat. I got the turkey plate and Dave had tried mulitiple meats. I have to say the jalapeños stole the show for me, along with the ice cold Corona (this was in the summer) after a long bike ride.
For more places to eat and visit in Austin, go here.